Blog barnaclínic

  1. 24 May, 2024

    barnaclínic+ puts all its efforts into celebrating the excellence of Clínic nursing

    Enfermería Clínic barnaclínic+

    As every year, the Clínic Barcelona hospital has celebrated a very special day, May 14, International Nurses Day. And as on previous occasions, barnaclínic+ wanted to join in, recognising the important role that these professionals play in healthcare. As usual, barnaclínic+ has financed the institutional event and has provided grants for different nursing research and intensification projects at the Clínic, presented during the celebration. The day took place in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and could also be followed online through the Clínic’s YouTube channel, May 14.

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  2. 22 May, 2024

    The barnaclínic+ Pain Unit is born to provide a solution to patients with any type of pain

    Chronic pain is a complex and debilitating experience that affects millions of people around the world. Unlike acute pain, which is a temporary response of the body to an injury or illness, chronic pain persists for weeks, months or even years, challenging quality of life and creating a significant burden on both individuals and society in general. The new barnaclínic+ Pain Unit aims to explore this multifaceted condition in depth, addressing its causes, clinical manifestations, biopsychosocial impact and management strategies. By better understanding the complex nature of pain, healthcare professionals will be better equipped to provide comprehensive, personalised care to those who suffer from it.

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  3. 15 May, 2024

    Clínic Barcelona is the first Spanish hospital to reach 200 robotic kidney transplants

    Primer hospital en llegar a los 200 cirugías de trasplante renal robótico

    In June 2015, the first robotic kidney transplant was carried out in Spain. That first intervention was carried out at the Clínic hospital in Barcelona and Dr Antonio Alcaraz, head of the Urology and Kidney Transplant service at the Clínic and barnaclínic+ professional, was the one who led the intervention. Now, less than eight years later, the Clínic achieves a new milestone by being the first Spanish hospital to perform 200 of these robotic transplants. A new step forward in a long path that began much earlier, in 1965, when Dr Gil-Vernet performed the first kidney transplant in Spain, also at the Clínic hospital.

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  4. 30 April, 2024

    Cardioneuroablation, a new treatment for vasovagal syncope, available at barnaclínic+

    Continuous research and technological development make it possible to offer new solutions in medicine that overcome the challenges that have existed until then and that serve to improve patient outcomes. One of these new solutions is cardioneuroablation, a procedure capable of specifically and effectively addressing a medical condition that can have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life: vasovagal syncope. barnaclínic+, faithful to its spirit of innovation, now offers this new procedure.

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  5. 15 April, 2024

    barnaclínic+ offers a new alternative for atrial fibrillation: electroporation


    Until relatively recently, there were only two techniques for the treatment of atrial fibrillation: radiofrequency and cryoablation. A third alternative has recently been added to them, electroporation. The Hospital Clínic Barcelona, ​​an international reference in the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias, is one of the pioneers in the application of electroporation, being the first centre in Catalonia to incorporate this new technology. Thus, electroporation will now also be available at barnaclínic+, in the line followed by the centre of offering its patients the most advanced and cutting-edge procedures.

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  6. 8 April, 2024

    New minimally invasive surgery to remove benign ear tumours, now also at barnaclínic+

    Advances in medicine are allowing for increasingly more precise and less invasive interventions. In this sense, the use of endoscopy stands out, which takes advantage of the natural openings of the body or small incisions both to examine the interior of the organs and to perform different procedures. The hospital Clínic Barcelona has been the first centre in Spain to use this approach to remove glomus tumours, a type of benign tumour of the middle ear that grows in the temporal bone of the skull, behind the eardrum. From now on, this minimally invasive surgical technique to remove ear tumours is also available at barnaclínic+.

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  7. 2 April, 2024

    barnaclínic+ expands its portfolio of services in thoracic surgery

    Thoracis surgery is one of the fundamental pillars in the comprehensive care of patients with lung and thoracic conditions. This service at barnaclínic+ is distinguished by its multidisciplinary approach, its commitment to clinical excellence and its ability to offer innovative solutions to patients with a wide range of respiratory diseases and disorders. In line with this commitment, new professionals have recently joined this service, allowing the services offered in this field of medicine to be further expanded.

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  8. 15 March, 2024

    barnaclínic+ continues its expansion in the Dominican Republic with a new collaboration agreement with Médico Express

    Acuerdo barnaclínic+ Clínic Barcelona y Medico Express República dominicana

    barnaclínic+, a leader in medical innovation and excellence in healthcare, has taken a new step in its expansion project in the Dominican Republic by signing a strategic agreement with Médico Express San Isidro. This alliance represents a new advance in the international mission of barnaclínic+, whose objective is to provide the best health services to any patient in the world, carrying with it the values and distinctive experience of Clínic Barcelona.

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  9. 7 March, 2024

    Clínic Barcelona among the best hospitals in the world in 2024

    Mejores hospitales del mundo en 2024

    For five years, Newsweek magazine, in collaboration with Statista, has carried out a ranking to classify the best hospitals in the world, known as World’s Best Hospitals, with the aim of offering a tool to patients and families to choose the most appropriate centre for your attention. The hospital Clínic Barcelona has once again managed to be in this ranking, which includes the 250 best hospital centres in the world in 2024, improving the classification achieved last year by three positions. Thus, the centre has been able to climb from position number 63 to 59. It is also one of the best hospitals in Spain, behind only the La Paz University Hospital and the 12 de Octubre University Hospital.

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  10. 4 March, 2024

    barnaclínic+ Dentistry reopens its dental clinic with state-of-the-art facilities

    On February 28,44

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