Blog barnaclínic

  1. 30 April, 2024

    Cardioneuroablation, a new treatment for vasovagal syncope, available at barnaclínic+

    Continuous research and technological development make it possible to offer new solutions in medicine that overcome the challenges that have existed until then and that serve to improve patient outcomes. One of these new solutions is cardioneuroablation, a procedure capable of specifically and effectively addressing a medical condition that can have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life: vasovagal syncope. barnaclínic+, faithful to its spirit of innovation, now offers this new procedure.

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  2. 25 March, 2021

    The Hospital Clínic Group, pioneer and leader in robotic surgery

    Greater precision in surgery and reduced risks and complications during interventions result in better outcomes for patients. This is what robotic surgery provides, one of the great advances that technological developments in medicine have made possible in recent years. One of the centres that has made the most significant commitment to this type of surgery is the Hospital Clínic Group and barnaclínic+.

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  3. 1 July, 2020

    Hospital Clinic, the only hospital to perform robotic cardiovascular surgery in Spain

    Hospital Clínic de Barcelona is the only center in Spain that has begun to perform robotic cardiovascular surgeries with the Da Vinci robot. Doctors Daniel Pereda and Elena Sandoval, from the Clínic Cardiovascular Institute, have so far performed 14 interventions with this technique, all of them successful. Most of these interventions were mitral valve repair surgeries. However, this type of intervention offers numerous benefits in the treatment of multiple cardiac pathologies, as stated by Dr. Daniel Pereda, surgeon of the Clinic and barnaclínic+.

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