13 July, 2021
Robot-assisted extraperitoneal gynaecologic cancer surgery has fewer surgical complications
In recent years, minimally invasive surgery has found its way into many operating rooms, and gynaecologic cancer surgery is no exception. With robotic surgery, surgical complications are reduced and a better recovery of the patient is achieved. However, there are different possible approaches to perform these interventions. Now, for the first time, a study explores the differences between all of them in performing para-aortic lymph node dissection. This is a common procedure for gynaecological cancers to see if the cancer cells have spread.
25 March, 2021
The Hospital Clínic Group, pioneer and leader in robotic surgery
Greater precision in surgery and reduced risks and complications during interventions result in better outcomes for patients. This is what robotic surgery provides, one of the great advances that technological developments in medicine have made possible in recent years. One of the centres that has made the most significant commitment to this type of surgery is the Hospital Clínic Group and barnaclínic+.
11 December, 2020
Hospital Clínic performs the first uterus transplant in Spain
On October 5th, a multidisciplinary team from the Hospital Clínic Group performed the first uterus transplant in Spain. The surgery was led by Dr. Francisco Carmona, head of the Gynecology Service at the Hospital Clínic and gynecological surgeon at barnaclínic+, and Dr. Antonio Alcaraz, head of the Urology and Kidney Transplant Service at the Clínic and urological and transplant surgeon at barnaclínic+ . This first live donor uterus transplant from Spain has been possible thanks to the donation of this organ from one sister to another, who was born without it, and which is known as Rokitansky Syndrome.
25 November, 2019
First robot-assisted complex gynecological surgery led by the Hospital Clínic Group
Last October 31st, Dr. Berta Diaz-Feijoo and Dr. Aureli Torné, both professionals at Gynecology barnaclínic+, performed the first robot-assisted complex gynecological surgery of the Hospital Clínic Group of Barcelona. Dr. Diaz-Feijoo states in the video that “the race for robotic surgery has only just begun.”
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