Blog barnaclínic

  1. 16 October, 2023

    The thoracic surgery team begins training in uniportal robotic surgery for international professionals

    Cirugía torácica robótica uniportal (URATS)

    From the Thoracic Surgery Service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, specialised training in robotic surgery using a uniportal technique has been initiated for international professionals. These training sessions, baptized as “immersions” by Dr Ricard Ramos, head of the Clínic’s Thoracic Surgery Service and barnaclínic+ surgeon, aim to share and expand the knowledge and advanced techniques practiced by the professionals of our thoracic surgery team.

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  2. 20 July, 2022

    Sabàtics, an initiative to help in the training of medical professionals

    Permisos Sabàtics - Formación Hospital Clínic

    Medical training is something that never stops. Continuous innovation and research make it necessary for medical professionals to dedicate part of their time to maintaining and improving their professional competence, to adapt to the new demands and requirements that are generated by the evolution of medicine, the health system and society in general. Precisely thinking of helping in this continuous medical training, the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona created grants in the 1980s to carry out this training in centres of excellence abroad, the ‘Sabàtics Permits’. Later, in 2015, barnaclínic+ joined this initiative allowing more training time to be financed.

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  3. 16 May, 2019

    barnaclínic+ continues to promote training and research in Nursing at the Hospital Clínic

    On 13 May, International Nurses Day was celebrated at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. During the festivities, in addition to recognition for several members of this group, the Fourth barnaclínic+ Prizes were awarded. One again this year, barnaclínic+ is committed to promoting the training and research activity of nursing professionals at the Hospital Clínic. These prizes, consisting of the Sabàtics Scholarships for training abroad and the Research Intensification Permits, are an initiative of the Department of Nursing at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, with funding from barnaclínic+.

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