Blog barnaclínic

  1. 14 December, 2023

    barnaclínic+ collaborates with the XVI Annual Conference of Nursing Management

    XVI Jornada Enfermera 2023

    On November 30, a new edition of the Annual Nursing Management Conference was held, which has reached its sixteenth edition, consolidating itself as a space for the dissemination and discussion of scientific work carried out by professionals in this field. The event also seeks to create a space for debate on improvements in patient care and healthcare processes, thus helping to strengthen cohesion within the professional community. On this occasion, the event was held in online format, with 730 registered. As part of the celebration, once again this year, the barnaclínic+ Innovative Capsules Awards were presented, awards financed by barnaclínic+ and designed to promote research and innovation in nursing at the Clínic.

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  2. 21 July, 2023

    Study demonstrates the usefulness of deep brain stimulation for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

    Electroestimulación cerebral profunda para trastorno bipolar y esquizofrenia

    An article that has recently been published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health, [1] in which various barnaclínic+ professionals have participated, has shown that deep brain stimulation, a surgical procedure that involves the placement of a device called a neurostimulator that sends electrical impulses to specific areas of the brain, it can be a safe and effective alternative for complex cases of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder who do not respond to usual therapies.

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  3. 11 February, 2023

    barnaclínic+ highlights the importance of women in research

    Science research has been essential for our development as a society. Thanks to it, many questions have been answered and it has been possible to find solutions to important problems. In the field of Medicine, this research constitutes one of its fundamental pillars, along with care and teaching. Through it, it has been possible to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients, significantly increasing our hope and quality of life. To make its importance visible, and on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, barnaclínic+ has given a voice to some of the main researchers in its medical staff, doctors Bàrbara VidalMarta SitgesElena MillàElizabeth BarbaSusana Puig and Isabel Vilaseca express their opinion on the value of science and the important role of women in research.

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  4. 25 November, 2022

    The list of the best researchers in the world includes three professionals from barnaclínic+

    Mejores investigadores del mundo 2022

    Clarivate Analytics has released its 2022 ranking of the most cited scientists, the ‘Highly Cited Researchs’, which identifies the best researchers in the world. To be part of this list, it is necessary to be among the 1% of the most cited authors by field and year in the Web of Science. And three barnaclínic+ professionals appear on it: Dr Josep Dalmau, Dr Francesc Graus and Dr Eduard Vieta, all of whom were already on last year’s list.

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  5. 4 November, 2022

    barnaclínic+ once again supports the Annual Conference of Nursing Management

    Jornada Dirección Enfermera 2022

    As usual around these dates, the Nursing Department of the Clínic Barcelona has once again held its Annual Conference for Professionals, which on this occasion reached its fifteenth edition. With a hybrid format, the event had more than 800 participants (in person and via streaming) who were able to learn about the scientific work of management professionals, as well as create an atmosphere for debate among the attendees. Within the framework of this celebration, the Innovative Capsules Awards were presented, whose finalists were presented by Dr Marta Farré, dermatology outpatient nurse. These are awards aimed at all those working groups of the Hospital Clínic that have developed some innovative idea giving value to healthcare practice within the institution and whose financial endowment is provided by barnaclínic+.

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  6. 30 November, 2021

    Stanford University places 18 professionals from barnaclínic+ among the most influential scientists in the world

    científicos más influyentes del mundo

    How can you evaluate the quality of a researcher’s work? One of the criteria that is most taken into account for this is to evaluate the number of times that other researchers cite them in their articles. Based on this criteria, Stanford University, in the U.S., this last 19th of October published the “World Ranking of Top 2% Scientists”. This list identifies the most influential researchers in the world, whose works have been most cited during their scientific career evaluated between 1996 and 2020 and also during the last year.

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  7. 18 November, 2021

    Four professionals at barnaclínic+ are among the best scientists in the world

    Mejores científicos del mundo 2021

    From the year 2001, Clarivate Analytics has published their ‘Highly Cited Researchers’ ranking. It’s a list which identifies the most influential researchers in the world and to form part of it you must find yourself among the 1% of most cited authors per field and year in the Web of Science. It’s one of the most prestigious classifications among the international academic and scientific community. And on this list of the best scientists in the world 2021 once again there are four professionals at barnaclínic+: Dr. Josep Dalmau, Dr. Ramon Estruch, Dr. Francesc Graus and Dr. Eduard Vieta.

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  8. 16 May, 2019

    barnaclínic+ continues to promote training and research in Nursing at the Hospital Clínic

    On 13 May, International Nurses Day was celebrated at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. During the festivities, in addition to recognition for several members of this group, the Fourth barnaclínic+ Prizes were awarded. One again this year, barnaclínic+ is committed to promoting the training and research activity of nursing professionals at the Hospital Clínic. These prizes, consisting of the Sabàtics Scholarships for training abroad and the Research Intensification Permits, are an initiative of the Department of Nursing at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, with funding from barnaclínic+.

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  9. 5 December, 2018

    Five barnaclínic+ professionals among the most influential scientists in the world

    Científicos más influyentes del mundo - most influential scientists in the world

    As it does every year, Clarivate Analytics publishes Highly Cited Researchersthe list of the most influential scientists in the world. And, once again this year, it features leading professionals from the barnaclínic+ medical team. On this occasion, it includes Drs Josep DalmauRamón EstruchFrancesc GrausEduard Tolosa and Eduard Vieta.
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  10. 6 July, 2018

    barnaclínic+ enhances the training of the Clínic’s nursing professionals with the Sabàtics scholarships

    A few weeks ago, at the commemorative event marking International Nurses’ Day, the Sabàtics scholarships for training abroad for Hospital Clínic de Barcelona nursing professionals were handed out. Once again this year, the Hospital Clínic Group has offered its nursing professionals the possibility to train all over the world and/or to delve further into their research activity, thanks to these scholarships funded by barnaclínic+.

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