Blog barnaclínic

  1. 21 July, 2023

    Study demonstrates the usefulness of deep brain stimulation for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

    Electroestimulación cerebral profunda para trastorno bipolar y esquizofrenia

    An article that has recently been published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health, [1] in which various barnaclínic+ professionals have participated, has shown that deep brain stimulation, a surgical procedure that involves the placement of a device called a neurostimulator that sends electrical impulses to specific areas of the brain, it can be a safe and effective alternative for complex cases of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder who do not respond to usual therapies.

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  2. 11 February, 2023

    barnaclínic+ highlights the importance of women in research

    Science research has been essential for our development as a society. Thanks to it, many questions have been answered and it has been possible to find solutions to important problems. In the field of Medicine, this research constitutes one of its fundamental pillars, along with care and teaching. Through it, it has been possible to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients, significantly increasing our hope and quality of life. To make its importance visible, and on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, barnaclínic+ has given a voice to some of the main researchers in its medical staff, doctors Bàrbara VidalMarta SitgesElena MillàElizabeth BarbaSusana Puig and Isabel Vilaseca express their opinion on the value of science and the important role of women in research.

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