- все
- Addictions
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Andrology
- Anesthesia
- Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery
- Arrhythmias
- Assisted reproduction
- Autoimmune diseases
- Biochemical diagnostic center
- Breast oncology
- Cardiology
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Cervical cancer
- Chronic fatigue
- Colon and rectal cancer
- COVID-19
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Diet and nutrition
- Dietetics
- Digestive motility
- Early diagnosis of Breast Cancer
- Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer
- Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
- Early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
- Endocrinology
- Endometriosis
- Endoscopic procedures
- ENT (ear, nose and throat)
- Epilepsy
- FASD Unit
- Fetal medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy
- Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Gender Identity Clinic
- Gender reassignment
- General and digestive surgery
- Genetic fertility studies
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Gynecological Surgery
- Gynecological ultrasound
- Gynecology
- Gynecology oncology
- Hematology
- Hematopoietic stem cell transplant
- Hemotherapy and hemostasis
- Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery
- Hepatology
- Imaging
- Infectious diseases
- Infectious diseases – AIDS
- Infertility and recurrent miscarriage study
- Internal medicine
- IVF in natural cycle
- Kidney transplant
- Laparoscopic surgery
- Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
- Major outpatient surgery
- Medical check-ups
- Medical oncology
- Melanoma
- Memory and Cognitive Disorders
- Men's Health
- Minimally-invasive surgery
- Multiple sclerosis
- Nephrology
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Neurology
- Neuropsychology
- Neurosurgery
- Nuclear medicine
- Nutrition in assisted reproduction
- Obesity
- Obstetrics and gynecology
- Oncology
- Oncology of Head and Neck
- Online Second opinion
- Ophthalmology
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Orthodontics
- Pain Clinic
- Pain management
- Pancreas and bile duct diseases
- Pancreas Surgery
- Pathology
- Pelvic floor rehabilitation
- Periodontics
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
- Preservation of fertility
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Pulmonology
- Radiodiagnostics
- Rehabilitation
- Respiratory Institute
- Rheumatology
- Rhinology
- Single-incision laparoscopic surgery
- Skin cancer
- Skin ultrasound
- Smoking Unit
- Speech therapy
- Sports cardiology
- Study and diagnosis of sterility
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
- Thoracic surgery
- Transplants
- Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
- Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands
- Urology
Alemany Vilalta, Olga
Anglada Casas, Mª Teresa
Balust Vidal, Jaume
Belda Tortosa, Isabel
Anesthesia, Neurosurgery
Beltran García, Joan Josep
Anesthesia, Obstetrics and gynecology, Urology
Berge Ramos, Raquel
Blasi Ibañez, Annabel
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Borrat Frigola, Xavier
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Caballero del Pozo , Angel
Cuñat López, Tomás
Anesthesia, Pain Clinic, Pain management
Fontanals Dotras, Jaume
Gracia Sánchez, Isabel
Gracia Solsona, Josep Antoni
Hurtado Restrepo, Paola Andrea
Anesthesia, Neurosurgery
Magaldi Mendaña, Marta
Martínez Otero, Samira
Martínez Palli, Graciela
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Matute Jimenez, Purificacion
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery
Moreno Cuartas, Luis Alfonso
Anesthesia, Pain management
Navarro Ripoll, Ricard
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Ojeda Niño, Antonio
Anesthesia, Pain management
Risco Martínez, Raquel
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Rovira Canudas, Irene
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Sala Blanch, Xavier
Anesthesia, ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Tena Blanco, Beatriz
Anesthesia, Urology
Tercero Machín, Francisco Javier
Anesthesia, Neurosurgery
Ubre Lorenzo, Marta
Ubré Lorenzo, Marta
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Vendrell Jordà, Marina
Vílchez Oya, Francisco
Anesthesia, Pain Clinic, Pain management
Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery
García Madrid, César
Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery
Matute Jimenez, Purificacion
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery
Mestres Alomar, Gaspar
Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery
Navarro Ripoll, Ricard
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Riambau y Alonso, Vicente
Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery
Rovira Canudas, Irene
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Arbelo Lainez, Elena
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Brugada Terradellas, Josep
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Mont Girbau, Josep Lluís
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Porta Sánchez, Andreu
Arrhythmias, Cardiology
Roca Luque, Ivo
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Sitges Carreño, Marta
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Tolosana Viu, Jose María
Arrhythmias, Cardiology
Assisted reproduction
Agustí Sunyer, Inés
IVF in natural cycle, Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Barral El Gaoui, Yasmina
Obstetrics and gynecology, Preservation of fertility, Assisted reproduction
Borrás Capo, Aina
Assisted reproduction
Carmona Herrera, Francisco
Endometriosis, Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Corral Molina, Juan Manuel
Andrology, Men's Health, Assisted reproduction, Kidney transplant, Urology
Goday Cibeira, Anna
Endometriosis, Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Manau Trullas, Dolors
Assisted reproduction
Munmany Delgado, Meritxell
Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Reverter Calatayud, Juan Carlos
Hemotherapy and hemostasis, Assisted reproduction
Ribera Torres, Laura
Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Sánchez , Aurora
Infertility and recurrent miscarriage study, Study and diagnosis of sterility, Genetic fertility studies, Fetal medicine, Assisted reproduction
Solernou Soler, Roser
Assisted reproduction
Solsona , Marina
Assisted reproduction
Abdul-Jawad Altisent, Omar
Arbelo Lainez, Elena
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Brugada Terradellas, Josep
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Brugaletta , Salvatore
Castellà Pericás, Manuel
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Freixa Rofastes, Xavier
Mont Girbau, Josep Lluís
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Ortiz Pérez, José Tomas
Pare Bardera, Juan Carlos
Pereda Arnau, Daniel
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Pomar , Jose Luis
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Porta Sánchez, Andreu
Arrhythmias, Cardiology
Quintana Obrador, Eduard
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Regueiro Cueva, Ander
Roca Luque, Ivo
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Sabaté Tenas, Manel
Sanz de la Garza, Maria
Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Sitges Carreño, Marta
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Tolosana Viu, Jose María
Arrhythmias, Cardiology
Vidal Hagemeijer, Bàrbara
Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Cardiovascular Surgery
Alcocer , Jorge
Cardiovascular Surgery
Castellà Pericás, Manuel
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Matute Jimenez, Purificacion
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery
Pereda Arnau, Daniel
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Pomar , Jose Luis
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Quintana Obrador, Eduard
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Riambau y Alonso, Vicente
Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery
Rovira Canudas, Irene
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Sandoval Martínez, Elena
Cardiovascular Surgery
Colon and rectal cancer
Balaguer Prunés, Francesc
Colon and rectal cancer, Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
Bravo Infante, Raquel
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Obesity
Castells Garangou, Antoni
Colon and rectal cancer, Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer, Gastroenterology
Momblán , Dulce
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Minimally-invasive surgery, Obesity
Otero Piñeiro, Ana
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Amores Bel, Joan
Díaz Hernández, Doris
Dentistry, Orthodontics
Guaita Pais, Marc
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), Dentistry
Laporta Gámez, Dolors
Dentistry, Periodontics
Martí Pagès, Carles
Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Dentistry, Gender Identity Clinic
Mas , Jordi
Muñoz Rubio, Teresa
Policart Reula, Laura
Dentistry, Orthodontics
Ruiz Azorin, Sergio
Sanllehí Vallejo-Nájera, Guillermo
Sarrión Rodriguez, Guillem
Diet and nutrition
Andreu Martí, Alba
Diet and nutrition, Endocrinology, Nutrition in assisted reproduction, Obesity
Campero Calzada, Betina
Dietetics, Diet and nutrition
Moizé Arcone, Violeta
Dietetics, Diet and nutrition, Obesity
Montserrat Carbonell, Cristina
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Mundó Rossell, Núria
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Romano Andrioni, Bárbara
Diet and nutrition, Endocrinology, Men's Health
Sánchez García, Lorena
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Campero Calzada, Betina
Dietetics, Diet and nutrition
Moizé Arcone, Violeta
Dietetics, Diet and nutrition, Obesity
Montserrat Carbonell, Cristina
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Mundó Rossell, Núria
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Sánchez García, Lorena
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar
Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Pulmonology
Bello , Irene
Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Molins López-Rodó, Laureano
Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Ramos Izquierdo, Ricard
Minimally-invasive surgery, Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Sellarés Torres, Jacobo
COVID-19, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Pulmonology, Smoking Unit
Torres Martí, Antoni
Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, Respiratory Institute, Pulmonology
Ureña Lluveras, Anna
Minimally-invasive surgery, Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Andreu Martí, Alba
Diet and nutrition, Endocrinology, Nutrition in assisted reproduction, Obesity
Blanco Carrasco, Antonio Jesús
Diabetes, Endocrinology, Obesity, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands, Gender Identity Clinic
Montserrat Carbonell, Cristina
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Mundó Rossell, Núria
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Romano Andrioni, Bárbara
Diet and nutrition, Endocrinology, Men's Health
Sánchez García, Lorena
Dietetics, Endocrinology, Diet and nutrition
Vidal Cortada, Josep
Endocrinology, Obesity
Viñals Domènech, Clara
Endoscopic procedures
Navarro Ripoll, Ricard
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Rovira Canudas, Irene
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Alobid Alobid, Isam
ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Avilés Jurado, F. Xavier
Oncology of Head and Neck, ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Bernal Sprekelsen, Manuel
ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Cabero Roset, Ada
Speech therapy, ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Codina Aroca, Alberto
ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Larrosa Díaz, Francesc
ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Lehrer , Eduardo
ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Mullol Miret, Joaquim
ENT (ear, nose and throat), Rhinology
Sala Blanch, Xavier
Anesthesia, ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Sampieri , Claudio
Oncology of Head and Neck, ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Van Strahlen , Camilo R.
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Vilaseca González, Isabel
ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Fetal medicine
Gratacós , Eduard
Obstetrics and gynecology, Fetal medicine, Online Second opinion
Masoller Casas, Narcís
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology, Fetal medicine
Sánchez , Aurora
Infertility and recurrent miscarriage study, Study and diagnosis of sterility, Genetic fertility studies, Fetal medicine, Assisted reproduction
Balaguer Prunés, Francesc
Colon and rectal cancer, Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
Barba Orozco, Elizabeth
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Digestive motility
Cárdenas Vasquez, Andrés
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Hepatology
Castells Garangou, Antoni
Colon and rectal cancer, Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer, Gastroenterology
Córdova Guevara, Henry
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
González Suárez, Begoña
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
Llach Vila, Josep
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
Osorio Aguilar, Javier
Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gastroenterology
Gastrointestinal endoscopy
Balaguer Prunés, Francesc
Colon and rectal cancer, Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
Barba Orozco, Elizabeth
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Digestive motility
Cárdenas Vasquez, Andrés
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Hepatology
Córdova Guevara, Henry
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
González Suárez, Begoña
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
Llach Vila, Josep
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology
Gastrointestinal Surgery
Almenara Santacristina, Raul
Gastrointestinal Surgery
Bravo Infante, Raquel
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Obesity
Ibarzábal Olano, Ainitze
Gastrointestinal Surgery, Obesity
Momblán , Dulce
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Minimally-invasive surgery, Obesity
Osorio Aguilar, Javier
Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gastroenterology
Otero Piñeiro, Ana
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Pera Román, Miguel
Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery
Tavares Nogueira, Sara
Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Gender Identity Clinic
Blanco Carrasco, Antonio Jesús
Diabetes, Endocrinology, Obesity, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands, Gender Identity Clinic
Cabero Roset, Ada
Speech therapy, ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Cuesta González, Francisco Javier
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Oncology of Head and Neck, Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Lehrer , Eduardo
ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Martí Pagès, Carles
Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Dentistry, Gender Identity Clinic
Raigosa García, Mauricio
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, Gender Identity Clinic
Vilaseca González, Isabel
ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Gender reassignment
Cabero Roset, Ada
Speech therapy, ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Cuesta González, Francisco Javier
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Oncology of Head and Neck, Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Lehrer , Eduardo
ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Vilaseca González, Isabel
ENT (ear, nose and throat), Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
General and digestive surgery
Ausania , Fabio
Pancreas Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, Pancreas and bile duct diseases
Blasi Ibañez, Annabel
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Borrat Frigola, Xavier
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Espert Ibañez, Juan José
General and digestive surgery
Ferrer Fabrega, Joana
General and digestive surgery, Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery
García-Valdecasas Salgado, Juan Carlos
Pancreas Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Hepatology, Transplants
Ginestà Martí, César
General and digestive surgery
Martínez Palli, Graciela
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Otero Piñeiro, Ana
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Pera Román, Miguel
Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery
Risco Martínez, Raquel
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Tavares Nogueira, Sara
Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Ubré Lorenzo, Marta
Anesthesia, General and digestive surgery
Valverde Lahuerta, Silvia
General and digestive surgery
Vidal Pérez, Oscar
General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Major outpatient surgery, Minimally-invasive surgery, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands
Bataller Sánchez, Eduardo
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Camacho Sánchez, Marta
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Caparrós Algarra, F. Xavier
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Cebrecos Lerena, Isaac
Early diagnosis of Breast Cancer, Gynecological ultrasound, Gynecology, Gynecology oncology, Breast oncology
Diaz Feijoo, Berta
Gynecological Surgery, Gynecology, Gynecology oncology
Glickman , Ariel
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology, Gynecologic Oncology
Martí Delgado, Cristina
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Masoller Casas, Narcís
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology, Fetal medicine
Rius , Mariona
Gynecological Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Ros Cerro, Cristina
Gynecological ultrasound, Endometriosis, Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Navarro Ripoll, Ricard
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Reverter Calatayud, Juan Carlos
Hemotherapy and hemostasis, Assisted reproduction
Rovira Canudas, Irene
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery
Ausania , Fabio
Pancreas Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, Pancreas and bile duct diseases
Ferrer Fabrega, Joana
General and digestive surgery, Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery
Fundora Suárez, Yiliam
Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, Hepatology, Transplants
García Pérez, Rocío
Pancreas Surgery, Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, Pancreas and bile duct diseases
Bataller , Ramon
Cárdenas Vasquez, Andrés
Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Hepatology
Fernández Gómez, Javier
Fundora Suárez, Yiliam
Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, Hepatology, Transplants
Fuster Obregón, Josep
Hepatology, Transplants
García-Valdecasas Salgado, Juan Carlos
Pancreas Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Hepatology, Transplants
Parés Darnaculleta, Albert
Internal medicine
Estruch Riba, Ramon
Internal medicine
López Soto, Alfonso
Medical check-ups, Internal medicine
Masanés Torán, Ferran
Internal medicine
Navarro López, Marga
Internal medicine
Sacanella Meseguer, Emilio
Internal medicine
Sisó Almirall, Antoni
Internal medicine
Zambón Rados, Daniel
Internal medicine, Medical check-ups
Kidney transplant
Alcaraz Asensio, Antonio
Kidney transplant, Urology
Alvarez Vijande, Ricardo
Kidney transplant, Urology
Corral Molina, Juan Manuel
Andrology, Men's Health, Assisted reproduction, Kidney transplant, Urology
Diekmann , Fritz
Nephrology, Kidney transplant
Musquera , Mireia
Minimally-invasive surgery, Kidney transplant, Urology
Rodríguez Espinosa, Diana
Nephrology, Kidney transplant
Torregrossa Prats, José Vicente
Nephrology, Kidney transplant
Laparoscopic surgery
Momblán , Dulce
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Minimally-invasive surgery, Obesity
Otero Piñeiro, Ana
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Vidal Pérez, Oscar
General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Major outpatient surgery, Minimally-invasive surgery, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands
Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Bravo Infante, Raquel
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Obesity
Momblán , Dulce
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Minimally-invasive surgery, Obesity
Otero Piñeiro, Ana
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Tavares Nogueira, Sara
Gastrointestinal Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
Minimally-invasive surgery
Momblán , Dulce
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Minimally-invasive surgery, Obesity
Musquera , Mireia
Minimally-invasive surgery, Kidney transplant, Urology
Ramos Izquierdo, Ricard
Minimally-invasive surgery, Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Ureña Lluveras, Anna
Minimally-invasive surgery, Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Vidal Pérez, Oscar
General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Major outpatient surgery, Minimally-invasive surgery, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands
Carreño Martínez, Mar
Epilepsy, Neurology
Chamorro Sánchez, Ángel
Dalmau Obrador, Josep
Graus Ribas, Francesc
Multiple sclerosis, Neurology
Iranzo de Riquer, Alejandro
Lladó Plarrumaní, Albert
Memory and Cognitive Disorders, Neurology
Mayà Casalprim, Gerard
Montagut Colomer, Núria
Speech therapy, Memory and Cognitive Disorders, Neurosurgery, Neurology
Obach Baurier, Víctor
Simonet , Cristina
Tolosa , Eduard
Valldeoriola Serra, Francesc
Belda Tortosa, Isabel
Anesthesia, Neurosurgery
Di Somma , Alberto
Enseñat Nora, Joaquim
Neurosurgery, Oncology of Head and Neck
Ferrer Rodríguez, Enric
Ferrés Pijoan, Abel
González Sánchez, Josep
Hurtado Restrepo, Paola Andrea
Anesthesia, Neurosurgery
Montagut Colomer, Núria
Speech therapy, Memory and Cognitive Disorders, Neurosurgery, Neurology
Poblete Carrizo, José
Reyes Figueroa, Luis Alberto
Roldán Ramos, Pedro
Rumià Arboix, Jordi
Epilepsy, Neurosurgery
Tercero Machín, Francisco Javier
Anesthesia, Neurosurgery
Topczewski , Thomaz Eduardo
Torales González, Eliseo Jorge
Andreu Martí, Alba
Diet and nutrition, Endocrinology, Nutrition in assisted reproduction, Obesity
Blanco Carrasco, Antonio Jesús
Diabetes, Endocrinology, Obesity, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands, Gender Identity Clinic
Bravo Infante, Raquel
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Obesity
Ibarzábal Olano, Ainitze
Gastrointestinal Surgery, Obesity
Moizé Arcone, Violeta
Dietetics, Diet and nutrition, Obesity
Momblán , Dulce
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Minimally-invasive surgery, Obesity
Vidal Cortada, Josep
Endocrinology, Obesity
Obstetrics and gynecology
Agustí Sunyer, Inés
IVF in natural cycle, Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Barral El Gaoui, Yasmina
Obstetrics and gynecology, Preservation of fertility, Assisted reproduction
Bataller Sánchez, Eduardo
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Beltran García, Joan Josep
Anesthesia, Obstetrics and gynecology, Urology
Camacho Sánchez, Marta
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Caparrós Algarra, F. Xavier
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Carmona Herrera, Francisco
Endometriosis, Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Fuste Brull, Pere
Obstetrics and gynecology
Glickman , Ariel
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology, Gynecologic Oncology
Goday Cibeira, Anna
Endometriosis, Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Gratacós , Eduard
Obstetrics and gynecology, Fetal medicine, Online Second opinion
Martí Delgado, Cristina
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Masoller Casas, Narcís
Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology, Fetal medicine
Munmany Delgado, Meritxell
Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Quintas Marquès, Lara
Obstetrics and gynecology
Ribera Torres, Laura
Obstetrics and gynecology, Assisted reproduction
Rius , Mariona
Gynecological Surgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Ros Cerro, Cristina
Gynecological ultrasound, Endometriosis, Gynecology, Obstetrics and gynecology
Teixido Ribaudi, Mª Irene
Obstetrics and gynecology
Torné Bladé, Aureli
Oncology, Cervical cancer, Obstetrics and gynecology
Oncology of Head and Neck
Avilés Jurado, F. Xavier
Oncology of Head and Neck, ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Cuesta González, Francisco Javier
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Oncology of Head and Neck, Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Enseñat Nora, Joaquim
Neurosurgery, Oncology of Head and Neck
Sampieri , Claudio
Oncology of Head and Neck, ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Adán Civera, Alfredo
Corretger Ruhí, Xavier
Giralt Peret, Lena
Matas Fassi, Jessica
Millà Griñó, Elena
Ortiz Pérez, Santiago
Palma Carvajal, Francisco
Pazos , Marta
Sáinz de la Maza Serra, Mª Teresa
Sala Puigdollers, Anna
Sanchez Dalmau, Bernardo
Torras Sanvicens, Josep
Ventura Abreu, Nestor
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Aboul-Hosn Centenero, Samir
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Cuesta González, Francisco Javier
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Oncology of Head and Neck, Gender reassignment, Gender Identity Clinic
Ferrer Fuertes, Ada Isabel
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Martí Pagès, Carles
Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Dentistry, Gender Identity Clinic
Sieira Gil, Ramon
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Pancreas Surgery
Ausania , Fabio
Pancreas Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, Pancreas and bile duct diseases
Fernández-Cruz Pérez, Laureano
Pancreas Surgery
García Pérez, Rocío
Pancreas Surgery, Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery, Pancreas and bile duct diseases
García-Valdecasas Salgado, Juan Carlos
Pancreas Surgery, General and digestive surgery, Hepatology, Transplants
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
Descarrega Román, Jordi
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
Fernández Garrido, Manuel
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
Fontdevila Font, Joan
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
Guisantes , Eva
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, Aesthetic Medicine
Oyonate González, Hector
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
Raigosa García, Mauricio
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, Gender Identity Clinic
Van Strahlen , Camilo R.
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, ENT (ear, nose and throat)
Yoon , Tai-sik
Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
Barnés Navarro, Daniel
Imaging, Radiodiagnostics
Blasco Andaluz, Jordi
Imaging, Nuclear medicine, Radiodiagnostics
Gómez Muñoz, Fernando
Nicolau Molina, Carlos
Nuclear medicine, Radiodiagnostics
San Román Manzanera, Luis
Zarco , Federico Xavier
Imaging, Radiodiagnostics
Single-incision laparoscopic surgery
Momblán , Dulce
Colon and rectal cancer, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer, Minimally-invasive surgery, Obesity
Vidal Pérez, Oscar
General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Major outpatient surgery, Minimally-invasive surgery, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands
Sports cardiology
Arbelo Lainez, Elena
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Brugada Terradellas, Josep
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Mont Girbau, Josep Lluís
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Roca Luque, Ivo
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Sanz de la Garza, Maria
Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Sitges Carreño, Marta
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Vidal Hagemeijer, Bàrbara
Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Thoracic surgery
Bello , Irene
Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Boada Collado, Marc
Thoracic surgery
Matute Jimenez, Purificacion
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery
Molins López-Rodó, Laureano
Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Navarro Ripoll, Ricard
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Ramos Izquierdo, Ricard
Minimally-invasive surgery, Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Rovira Canudas, Irene
Anesthesia, Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery, Thoracic surgery, Endoscopic procedures, Hemotherapy and hemostasis
Ureña Lluveras, Anna
Minimally-invasive surgery, Thoracic surgery, Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Alías Petralanda, Alfonso
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Ares Rodriguez, Oscar
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Balaguer Castro, Mariano
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Bori Tuneu, Guillem
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Bori Tuneu, Rosa
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Carreño Delgado, Ana Maria
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Carreras Castañer, Anna
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Celi , Sergio
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Combalia Aleu, Andrés
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Domingo Trepat, Anna
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Fernández Reinales, Álvaro
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Fernández-Valencia Laborde, Jenaro
, Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Fores Viñeta, Joaquim
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Fuster Obregón, Salvador
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
García Elvira, Rubén
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
García Tarriño, Raquel
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Martínez Pastor, Juan Carlos
, Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Muñoz Mahamud, Ernesto
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Poggio Cano, Daniel
, Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Popescu , Dragos
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Ramírez Núñez, Luis
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Sabater Martos, Marta
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Sastre Solsona, Sergi
, Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Torner Pifarré, Pere
, Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Vives , Maria Antònia
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Zumbado Dijeres, José Alonso
Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands
Blanco Carrasco, Antonio Jesús
Diabetes, Endocrinology, Obesity, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands, Gender Identity Clinic
Vidal Pérez, Oscar
General and digestive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Single-incision laparoscopic surgery, Major outpatient surgery, Minimally-invasive surgery, Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands
Alcaraz Asensio, Antonio
Kidney transplant, Urology
Alvarez Vijande, Ricardo
Kidney transplant, Urology
Asiaín , Ignacio
Early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer, Urology
Beltran García, Joan Josep
Anesthesia, Obstetrics and gynecology, Urology
Corral Molina, Juan Manuel
Andrology, Men's Health, Assisted reproduction, Kidney transplant, Urology
Franco de Castro , Agustín
Izquierdo Reyes, Laura
Musquera , Mireia
Minimally-invasive surgery, Kidney transplant, Urology
Peri Cusi, Lluis
Ribal Caparrós, Maria José
Tena Blanco, Beatriz
Anesthesia, Urology
Torremadé Barreda, Josep
Andrology, Men's Health, Urology
Vilaseca Cabo, Antoni
Early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer, Urology