Cyberattack on the Clínic Group of Barcelona
Through this communication, barnaclinic+, as Data Controller, informs that, as a result of the cyberattack on March 5, the confidentiality of some personal data has been compromised.
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Noticias b+
Best doctors in Spain in 2024: barnaclínic+ professionals in the top positions
The Healthcare Reputation Monitor (MRS) by Merco has been evaluating the reputation of key players in the Spanish healthcare sector for over a decade. This includes the best hospitals in Spain, both public and private, the top pharmaceutical companies, and the best healthcare services, among others. It serves as a benchmark to help patients identify […]
barnaclínic+ launches a new Memory and Cognitive Disorders Unit
barnaclínic+ now has its new Memory and Cognitive Disorders Unit, an innovative project aimed at the detection, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of memory problems and other cognitive disorders. This service, which has a team of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience, is designed to treat a wide variety of pathologies, with a comprehensive and personalised […]
The Clínic receives the diplomas for its services with the best reputation in Spain
For nine years, Merco has been preparing the Healthcare Reputation Monitor (MRS), an independent study that analyses the reputation of the entire Spanish healthcare system. In this ranking, the Clínic de Barcelona is one of the most outstanding centres, managing to be the second hospital with the best reputation in Spain in recent years. On […]
barnaclínic+ puts all its efforts into celebrating the excellence of Clínic nursing
As every year, the Clínic Barcelona hospital has celebrated a very special day, May 14, International Nurses Day. And as on previous occasions, barnaclínic+ wanted to join in, recognising the important role that these professionals play in healthcare. As usual, barnaclínic+ has financed the institutional event and has provided grants for different nursing research and […]
The barnaclínic+ Pain Unit is born to provide a solution to patients with any type of pain
Chronic pain is a complex and debilitating experience that affects millions of people around the world. Unlike acute pain, which is a temporary response of the body to an injury or illness, chronic pain persists for weeks, months or even years, challenging quality of life and creating a significant burden on both individuals and society […]
Clínic Barcelona is the first Spanish hospital to reach 200 robotic kidney transplants
In June 2015, the first robotic kidney transplant was carried out in Spain. That first intervention was carried out at the Clínic hospital in Barcelona and Dr Antonio Alcaraz, head of the Urology and Kidney Transplant service at the Clínic and barnaclínic+ professional, was the one who led the intervention. Now, less than eight years […]
Blogs Barnaclinic+
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor: What it is, symptoms, treatment and life expectancy
A relatively common consultation is the incidental discovery of a tumor in the pancreas during an imaging test. Upon receiving this diagnosis, the first thing the patient thinks of is pancreatic cancer, but it is classified by the radiologist as a neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas. What is it? Is it malignant? Do we need […]
Surgery for adrenal gland tumors with functional preservation: Better quality of life
Adrenal gland tumors can affect hormone production and have a significant impact on health. While most cases involve a benign adrenal tumor, its growth or hormonal activity may require surgical treatment. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms of adrenal tumors, treatment options, and what life without adrenal glands is like after surgery.
Inherited heart conditions: Genetic risk for heart problems and hereditary arrhythmia
Heart diseases do not only develop due to acquired risk factors, such as smoking or hypertension. There are hereditary or inherited heart conditions that can affect multiple generations within the same family, often without showing obvious symptoms until a serious event occurs, such as an arrhythmia or even sudden cardiac death. These conditions are known […]
Claus i avenços i investigació en diabetis el 2024
El maneig de la diabetis ha avançat notablement en els darrers anys gràcies a investigacions innovadores i a la incorporació de noves tecnologies. En aquest sentit, l’any 2024 ha estat ple de novetats, i el Dr. Jesús Blanco, especialista en Endocrinologia i Nutrició de barnaclínic+ i de l’Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, va realitzar un repàs […]
Tractaments per al desgast del cartílag del genoll: opcions innovadores i efectives
El cartílag articular és un teixit elàstic, sense nervis ni vasos sanguinis, la funció principal del qual és reduir la fricció, distribuir càrregues mecàniques i oferir una superfície lubricada que permeti el moviment suau de les articulacions. No obstant això, aquest teixit té una capacitat limitada de regeneració. Per això, el desgast del cartílag del […]
La paràlisi facial es cura, gairebé sempre
La paràlisi facial és una malaltia que produeix dèficits funcionals com la incapacitat per tancar l’ull i aixecar la cella del costat afectat, menjar, parlar, somriure, respirar adequadament pel nas, etc. Malgrat que es pot fer vida relativament normal amb paràlisi facial, la persona afectada experimentarà sensació de debilitat muscular en la meitat de la […]