Blog barnaclínic

  1. 11 December, 2020

    Hospital Clínic performs the first uterus transplant in Spain

    primer trasplante de útero

    On October 5th, a multidisciplinary team from the Hospital Clínic Group performed the first uterus transplant in Spain. The surgery was led by Dr. Francisco Carmona, head of the Gynecology Service at the Hospital Clínic and gynecological surgeon at barnaclínic+, and Dr. Antonio Alcaraz, head of the Urology and Kidney Transplant Service at the Clínic and urological and transplant surgeon at barnaclínic+ . This first live donor uterus transplant from Spain has been possible thanks to the donation of this organ from one sister to another, who was born without it, and which is known as Rokitansky Syndrome.

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