barnaclínic+ incorporates a new two-laser system for refractive laser surgery
Refractive laser surgery is one of the best known and most commonly performed options for correcting vision problems and can be an alternative to wearing glasses or contact lenses. Now, the barnaclínic+ Ophthalmologyservice that carries out this type of surgery, has incorporated into its facilities a new system that utilises two types of laser […]
The Hospital Clínic Group, pioneer and leader in robotic surgery
Greater precision in surgery and reduced risks and complications during interventions result in better outcomes for patients. This is what robotic surgery provides, one of the great advances that technological developments in medicine have made possible in recent years. One of the centres that has made the most significant commitment […]
barnaclínic+ continues to support the research work of nursing professionals of the Hospital Clínic
On May 12, as usual, the Hospital Clínic held an act to commemorate International Nurses Day. On this occasion, and due to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was broadcasted via streaming through its YouTube channel. This act served to publicise the different projects that have received an […]
Hospital Clínic is the first Spanish centre to perform 1,000 living donor kidney transplants
The Hospital Clínic is a reference centre in Spain when it comes to kidney transplants. On July 27, 1965, doctors Josep María Gil-Verat and Antoni Caralps completed the first kidney transplant in Spain. In all the time that has elapsed since then, 5,000 transplant operations have been carried out in the centre […]
barnaclínic+ is also on Youtube. Take a look at our last videos about our professionals, our facilities and services, and subscribe on it to be informed about our news.
¿Qué es la feminización de la voz y cómo se consigue?
- La feminización de la voz engloba todos los procesos necesarios para obtener una voz con características atribuibles a la de una mujer, que se aplican en el tránsito de la confirmación de género. La feminización de la voz se obtiene mediante procedimientos quirúrgicos y logopedia. Este proceso suele estar dirigido por un equipo conformado por otorrinolaringólogos […]
Cómo descubrir las metástasis del cáncer de tiroides con la linfografía con SPECT-CT preoperatoria
- Las enfermedades del tiroides en general y el cáncer tiroideo en particular, son patologías en aumento. Su diagnóstico y tratamiento requiere cada vez de mayor precisión y efectividad. Cada vez es más importante poder ofrecer a los pacientes opciones de curación, sobretodo ante un cáncer. En este sentido, sabiendo que la tiroidectomía es el tratamiento de […]