23 July, 2021
What safety measures have we taken for COVID-19?
At barnaclínic+, the health and safety of our patients and staff is the most important thing. To protect both you and ourselves, and thanks to the experience acquired by the centre in the management of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, we have clearly defined hygiene and protection protocols based on the scientific evidence available. In accordance with these, we have put in place the corresponding safety measures for COVID-19.
20 September, 2019
International Patient Care Department delegation of the United Arab Emirates visits barnaclínic+
On September 17th, we received an International Patient Care Department (IPCD) Delegation of Department of Health of the United Arab Emirates (DoH), led by its Acting Director Ms Hind Mubarak Al Zaabi framed within the collaboration agreement signed a year ago. During the visit, the IPCD delegation was able to visit our facilities, exchange impressions with some of our professionals and learn about our processes and logistics solutions.