9 December, 2015
Dr. Antonio Alcaraz performs the first full renal transplant through the vagina
A few days ago the 50th anniversary of the first renal transplantation in Spain, carried out in the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona was celebrated. Recently, Dr. Antonio Alcaraz , head of the Urology Department of the Hospital Clínic and specialist of Urology barnaclínic+, and his team carried out for the first time in the world, a full kidney transplant full through the vagina. Read more…
19 August, 2015
The team of Dr. Antonio Alcaraz combines robotic and NOTES surgery to perform a kidney transplant
This last July, a team led by Dr. Antonio Alcaraz , head of the Department of Urology at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and specialist of Urology barnaclínic+, has performed two kidney removals through the vagina of the donors, leaving them with no scars, thanks to a technique called transvaginal nephrectomy . Then, they implanted them in recipients using robotic surgery, using the state-of-the-art, Da Vinci Xi robot. Read more…