Blog barnaclínic

2 March, 2023

barnaclínc+ launches its Medical Check-up unit

Revisiones Médicas

An early diagnosis is usually always synonymous with a better prognosis. Both because the pathology has not developed enough to cause irreparable damage and because in earlier stages it is possible to use less aggressive treatments that lead to a better and faster recovery. Medical reviews are a very useful tool for all of this, which is why barnaclínic+ has set up a new unit specialising in medical check-up.

A multidisciplinary team specialising in the prevention and early diagnosis

A team of specialists from different specialities will carry out all the necessary tests, adapted to the profile of each patient, in a fast, comfortable and effective manner. The new Medical Check-up unit will also have the best technology, as well as the latest tests and protocols for diagnosis and early treatment, if necessary.

Medical check-ups tailored to each patient

“With medical check-ups, we want to prevent the onset of diseases. We seek to anticipate them so that we don’t have to treat them or do so in time in their initial stages. To do this, and as each patient is unique, we have to design a check-up adapted to each case”, explains Dr Alfons López Soto, head of the Internal Medicine Department at the Clínic de Barcelona and barnaclínic+ professional responsible for the Individualised Check-ups.

“With medical check-ups, we want to prevent the onset of diseases. We seek to anticipate them so that we don’t have to treat them or do so in time in their initial stages. To do this, and as each patient is unique, we have to design a check-up adapted to each case”

Dr Alfons López Soto, head of the Internal Medicine Department at the Clínic de Barcelona and barnaclínic+ professional responsible for the Individualised Check-ups

Thanks to barnaclínic+’s wide range of professional specialists, it will be possible to attend to each case based on the specific characteristics of the patient. A diagnostic plan will be designed which will consist of the most appropriate tests in each case. Thus, in the first appointment, all the patient’s characteristics and circumstances will be gathered to create the most accurate profile possible.

Based on this information, a programme of examinations adapted to each particular case will be defined, with medical examinations defined by specialists that will be carried out in our centre, quickly and comfortably, using the latest technology available. Based on the results obtained, a doctor will explain the results and make the relevant recommendations.

Do you want to know what your general state of health is? Do you have a family history of any disease and want to prevent it?


Who is the barnaclinic+ medical check-up programme designed for?

This medical check-up programme is designed for anyone who wants to know their state of health, whether or not they have symptoms. This is of great importance considering that many diseases do not show signs until they are in more advanced stages. “Some of our medical check-ups are designed for a specific patient profile, while others focus on the early diagnosis of specific pathologies. Finally, for those who wish, we carry out personalised examinations, adapted to each user,” adds Dr López Soto.

A medical check-up for every type of user

Thus, the Medical Check-up unit will have four main types of check-ups to adapt to the needs of each user. The first type will be individualised medical check-ups, designed for users with specific needs or very specific symptoms, in which a specialist in Internal Medicine will evaluate and design a process adapted to each patient.

There will also be the possibility of general medical check-ups, the aim of which is to monitor health and detect the early onset of illnesses. Although these are general medical reviews, the unit will have a range of services available depending on the user’s profile.

In addition, there will be the possibility of specific medical check-ups, in an attempt to get even closer to the user’s reality and address any situation that, due to personal or family history, is of specific concern to them. Thus, there will be audiological, cardiological, dermatological, gastrointestinal, gynaecological, neurological, ophthalmological, pulmonary, sudden death risk, urological and post-covid check-ups.

The last type available is the early diagnosis of cancer. This is a serious disease, where screening programmes, through the grouping of targeted actions, enable the early detection of certain malignant tumours. Thus, the unit will have an early diagnosis of colon and rectal cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer and melanoma, prostate cancer, lung cancer, and gynaecological cancer, as well as a generally early diagnosis of cancer.

Do you want to know what your state of health is? Contact our Medical Review Unit


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