Dr. Tomás Cuñat López

Languages: Spanish | Catalan | English


· Specialist doctor of the Anesthesiology and Pain Unit of the hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

  • Anestesia
  • Clínica del dolor
  • Tratamiento del dolor

Select service:


· Degree and master's degree in Medicine at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

· Specialist in Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and pain treatment.

· Master in advanced basic medical skills with a specialty in locoregional anesthesia based on anatomy from the Universitat de Barcelona.

· Master in Pain Medicine at the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.

· PhD researcher at the Universitat de Barcelona.


· More than 3,000 techniques for the treatment of acute and chronic pain.

· European diploma of pain medicine.

· European Diploma of Regional Anesthesia.


· Chronic pain

· Perioperative pain

· Persistent post-surgical pain

· Interventional pain medicine (ultrasound and fluoroscopy)


· Multiple publications in prestigious scientific journals (Q1).

· Various research groups (PAINCOVID, PGENECA,COVID-19 Spanish ICU Network).

· IF acumulado pubmed: 182.1.

· Various lines of research (intervention on the genicular nerves, persistent pain after critical illness due to COVID, persistent pain after critical illness, persistent post-surgical pain).

· Participation as a speaker in multiple national and international conferences.
