Blog barnaclínic

  1. 29 April, 2022

    barnaclínic+ launches its Dermatological Diagnosis Unit

    Diagnóstico cáncer de piel y melanoma

    Skin cancer is the most frequent tumour and it is estimated that 20% of people will develop it throughout their lives. In Spain alone, this disease affects 300 people out of 100.000 each year. Malignant melanoma, on the other hand, is a tumour that is caused by an abnormal growth of some skin cells, whose incidence in recent years is possibly increasing in relation to sun exposure habits. Because these skin tumours appear externally, they are easier to detect and if they are diagnosed in the early stages, they have a high chance of cure. Due to this importance of early diagnosis, barnaclínic+ has launched its Dermatological Diagnosis Unit.

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