Dr. Antoni Gual Solé

  • Adicciones
  • Psiquiatría

Seleccione el servicio que desea:


  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad de Barcelona.
  • Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from the Universidad de Barcelona.
  • Master of Substance Abuse from the Universidad de Barcelona.
  • Psychiatry specialist.

Areas of interest

  • Addictive behavior, particularly heavy drinkers and alcohol dependence, and cannabis, cocaine and smoking addiction.
  • Also specializing in the treatment of dual diagnosis (diagnosed with a mental illness and addiction disorder at the same time).
  • Use of motivational techniques and group therapy to treat addictive behavior.


  • Multiple research projects on alcoholism, including prospective, long-term studies.
  • Clinical trials with drugs and psychological treatments to treat alcohol dependence syndrome.
  • Epidemiological studies and various European studies on the impact of alcohol on Public Health.