Pelvic floor disorders, along with urinary and fecal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and sexual dysfunction are conditions that greatly affect the quality of life of those women who suffer from them.
Today, pelvic floor rehabilitation offers a wide range of preventive and therapeutic options. Pregnancy, labor, the post-partum period and the menopause are key stages in a woman's life that often cause changes to the pelvic floor muscles.
Modern obstetrics greatly helps to ensure the safety of both the mother and her child but labor still causes trauma to the woman's pelvic floor. In most cases, this trauma goes unnoticed. Partial spontaneous recovery occurs in the first few months after delivery but total recovery is rarely achieved unless something is done to support it.
As the years go by, giving birth to more babies, the effects of age and the estrogen deficiency of menopause increase the deficiency of the muscular and aponeurotic structure of the pelvic floor, resulting in incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, sexual dysfunction, etc. If we add the influence of some constitutional factors and a job or sport activity that generates constant, increased pressure on the pelvic floor, the chance of the development of such dysfunctions will increase.
Prevention, based on an abdominal and perineal muscle assessment, and education regarding correct activation of the abdominal-lumbar-pelvic-perineal muscles when straining will teach women patients about practicing perineal self-care during their everyday activities.
- Abdominal and perineal balance.
- Personalized home exercise design.
- Abdominal and vaginal functional electrical stimulation.
- Biofeedback.
- Active exercises with intra-vaginal devices.
- Abdominal and perineal exercises practiced individually.
- Lumbar-pelvic stabilization re-education.
- Exercise and relaxation in small groups.
- Mesotherapy.
Abdominal and perineal muscle and action assessment when straining during:
- Pre-partum and post-partum period
- Gynecological pre- and/or post-operative periods
- Period prior to starting sport activities
Individual and/or group treatments for pelvic floor disorders
- Urinary incontinence
- Vaginal prolapse
- Sexual dysfunction
- Pelvic floor weakness
Individual post-partum treatments
- Abdominal massage
- Abdominal and vaginal electrical stimulation
- Design of home exercises
Pre- and post-menopausal psycho-physical training
- Group exercise and relaxation