The ENT Department at barnaclínic+ has 11 specialists, forming one of the most prestigious centers in the country. Based on grants, research projects, number of publications and types of high-level surgeries, it can be considered one of the leading centers in the country.
It offers patients a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic processes for the ear, nose, pharynx and larynx, and neck. It has a diagnostic lab for functional and anatomical voice disorders, a lab for examining taste and smell disorders, a unit for examining vertigo disorders and the most modern inspection tools for the specialty (microscopes, fiberscopes, endoscopes, etc.).
Apart from diagnosing and treating the most common conditions of the specialty, the department also has extensive experience in the treatment of chronic middle ear diseases, especially in patients who have already undergone surgery on multiple occasions, with results quoted in national and international publications and, more specifically, in tympanic membrane reconstruction using cartilage (cartilage palisade tympanoplasty).
Having treated more than 800 cases, the department is an international pioneer in the surgical treatment of malignant laryngeal and pharyngeal tumors using a laser, in which the tumor is resected under microscopic visualization with a carbon dioxide laser without the need for external incisions in the neck, thereby avoiding tracheotomies in a very high percentage of cases, and partial or total larynx surgeries.
The department has gained an international reputation in endoscopic nose and paranasal sinus surgery. Polyp removal and chronic sinusitis surgeries are performed with the aid of endoscopes inserted through the nose. In addition, the department has seen a wide variety of cases involving the repair of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks through the nose, anterior skull base reconstructions and resections of benign tumors in the same region, plus experience in more than 1000 cases of endoscopic surgery of the tear duct. It has also been performing functional and aesthetic rhinoplasties for many years.
List of services
Outpatients services
- Diagnosis and medical treatment of taste and smell disorders
- Diagnosis of sleep apnea
- Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders (voice study, video laryngeal stroboscopy)
- Early outpatient correction (only in the first week of life) of type I auricular dysplasia
- Diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal dystonia
More complex surgery
- Chronic ear surgery (simple perforation, cholesteatoma, old mastoid cavity with chronic suppuration)
- Surgical reintervention on ears that have already undergone surgery
- Surgery for vertigo (saccotomy, labyrinthectomy, neurectomy)
- Facial nerve decompression
- Otoplasty
- Endoscopic surgery for relapsing polypoidal sinusitis
- Endoscopic surgery for acute and chronic sinusitis with complications
- Endoscopic surgery for mucous cysts (mucocele)
- Endoscopic surgery for epiphora and chronic and acute dacryocystitis
- Endoscopic surgery for choanal atresia
- Endoscopic surgery for benign nasal sinus tumors (inverted papilloma, juvenile angiofibroma, mucocele, osteoma, fibrous dysplasia, etc.)
- Endoscopic surgery for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks
- Endoscopic surgery for meningocele and meningo-encephalocele
- Endoscopic and external surgery for malignant rhinosinus tumors
- Endoscopic optic nerve decompression (tumors, trauma, etc.)
- Endoscopic treatment of relapsing and severe epistaxis
- Functional and aesthetic septorhinoplasty
Larynx and pharynx
- Conventional surgery for upper airway-digestive tract tumors
- Laser surgery for upper airway-digestive tract tumors (incl. advanced T2 and T3 tumors)
- Advanced surgery for obstructive sleep apnea
- Metastatic cervical lymph node extirpation
- Congenital cervical cysts