The Clínic Eye Training Center is born, a model of excellence in ophthalmological training
The Hospital Clínic group has just put into motion a new project: the Clínic Eye Training Center (CETC). As part of the new Ophthalmological Surgery area, in the Maternity facility, the CETC was made with the aim of creating a model of excellence in ophthalmological training and developing innovation projects at the same time […]
The Hospital Clínic group incorporates disposable duodenoscopes in order to reduce the risk of in-hospital infections
One of the main concerns in a hospital environment is avoiding nosocomial infections, ones which are contracted during a stay in a hospital and are usually caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. During the COVID-19 pandemic, preventing infections of this type gained even more importance to, somehow, slow the spread of the disease. One of the possible sources of infection […]
Researches at Hospital Clínic group develop a new tool for diagnosing Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Researchers at the GRIE (Infancy and Environment Research Group) at Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS, collaborators with the Neurodevelopmental Disorder Unit at barnaclínic+, have developed VisualTEAF, an app that, thanks to artificial intelligence, is able to help in the diagnosis of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). It's the first diagnostic tool for FASD in which machine learning is used […]
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Patellar tendinitis: What it is, symptoms, causes, evolution and treatment
The patellar tendon attaches to the bottom of the patella and the tibia (Anterior tibial tuberosity). It is one of the largest and most powerful tendons in the body, as it has to propel us to overcome gravity in activities such as walking, running, and jumping. Patellar tendinopathy or tendinitis is also known as "jumper's knee" […]
Valeriy’s story: A double hip operation to improve the quality of life of a patient with ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis is a disease that can present itself in many different ways, making it necessary to study each patient to decide the optimal treatment. Understanding individual problems helps to make decisions that improve the quality of life of some patients who nowadays do not have curative treatments. On some occasions […]