- All
- Addictions
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Andrology
- Anesthesia
- Angiology, vascular and endovascular surgery
- Arrhythmias
- Assisted reproduction
- Autoimmune diseases
- Biochemical diagnostic center
- Breast oncology
- Cardiology
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Cervical cancer
- Chronic fatigue
- Colon and rectal cancer
- COVID-19
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Diet and nutrition
- Dietetics
- Digestive motility
- Early diagnosis of Breast Cancer
- Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer
- Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
- Early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer
- Endocrinology
- Endometriosis
- Endoscopic procedures
- ENT (ear, nose and throat)
- Epilepsy
- FASD Unit
- Fetal medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy
- Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Gender Identity Clinic
- Gender reassignment
- General and digestive surgery
- Genetic fertility studies
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Gynecological Surgery
- Gynecological ultrasound
- Gynecology
- Gynecology oncology
- Hematology
- Hematopoietic stem cell transplant
- Hemotherapy and hemostasis
- Hepatobiliopancreatic Surgery
- Hepatology
- Imaging
- Infectious diseases
- Infectious diseases – AIDS
- Infertility and recurrent miscarriage study
- Internal medicine
- IVF in natural cycle
- Kidney transplant
- Laparoscopic surgery
- Laparoscopic surgery in colon and rectal cancer
- Major outpatient surgery
- Medical check-ups
- Medical oncology
- Melanoma
- Memory and Cognitive Disorders
- Men's Health
- Minimally-invasive surgery
- Multiple sclerosis
- Nephrology
- Neurodevelopmental Disorders
- Neurology
- Neuropsychology
- Neurosurgery
- Nuclear medicine
- Nutrition in assisted reproduction
- Obesity
- Obstetrics and gynecology
- Oncology
- Oncology of Head and Neck
- Online Second opinion
- Ophthalmology
- Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Orthodontics
- Pain Clinic
- Pain management
- Pancreas and bile duct diseases
- Pancreas Surgery
- Pathology
- Pelvic floor rehabilitation
- Periodontics
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery
- Preservation of fertility
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Pulmonology
- Radiodiagnostics
- Rehabilitation
- Respiratory Institute
- Rheumatology
- Rhinology
- Single-incision laparoscopic surgery
- Skin cancer
- Skin ultrasound
- Smoking Unit
- Speech therapy
- Sports cardiology
- Study and diagnosis of sterility
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
- Thoracic surgery
- Transplants
- Trauma and Orthopedic surgery
- Unit of Thyroid surgery and other endocrine glands
- Urology
Abdul-Jawad Altisent, Omar
Arbelo Lainez, Elena
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Brugada Terradellas, Josep
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Brugaletta , Salvatore
Castellà Pericás, Manuel
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Freixa Rofastes, Xavier
Mont Girbau, Josep Lluís
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Ortiz Pérez, José Tomas
Pare Bardera, Juan Carlos
Pereda Arnau, Daniel
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Pomar , Jose Luis
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Porta Sánchez, Andreu
Arrhythmias, Cardiology
Quintana Obrador, Eduard
Cardiology, Cardiovascular Surgery
Regueiro Cueva, Ander
Roca Luque, Ivo
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Sabaté Tenas, Manel
Sanz de la Garza, Maria
Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Sitges Carreño, Marta
Arrhythmias, Cardiology, Sports cardiology
Tolosana Viu, Jose María
Arrhythmias, Cardiology
Vidal Hagemeijer, Bàrbara
Cardiology, Sports cardiology
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barnaclínic+ offers you the chance to make an appointment with our center online. Once you have sent your request, we will contact you and try to accommodate all your preferences.